Winter Driving Tips to Keep You Safe

Driving an automobile is an activity that takes focus and a seriousness to be a good driver. When you drive you, your passengers, others on the road and pedestrians depend on you observing the rules of the road to ensure that you are doing all you can to be safe.
The road is for everyone but only licensed drivers can drive an automobile. When they do, they need to always be aware of how quickly situations on the road can change. It could be an impaired driver, one who is distracted, a faulty automobile or even a natural disaster that occurs and all of a sudden what was true a second ago is no longer the case and there is an emergency.
There are also the road and weather conditions to contend with as well. During the warmer months, road and weather conditions are at their best and unless there is something on the road causing it to be unusually slick or rough or that there is a freak rainstorm, generally the conditions of the road and weather do not impair your ability to drive well.
However the colder months and particularly winter are a different story. In these months weather and road conditions will often drastically modify how you should drive.
Increase Your Stopping Distances
At 30 mph on a normal road, your normal car’s stopping distance is approximately 23 meters. At 50 mph the stopping distance is 53 meters, and at 70 mph the distance is 96 meters. However when the weather turns bad these stopping distances dramatically increase. For instance, in wet weather stopping distances get longer the faster you go. On a wet road the stopping distance at 50 mph is 106 meters and at 70 mph it is 146 meters. Perhaps the most surprising fact is how long it takes to stop on icy roads. In these conditions it can take a car up to ten time the stopping distance for ti to come to a rest. A car going only 20 mph will take only 12 meters to stop on a dry and normal road while one on ice will take 126 meters and astoundingly, a car going 70 mph that takes 96 meters to stop will take approximately 771 meters to stop on an icy and wet road. With these n mind it is very important to slow down and to give yourself vastly increased stopping distances in order to keep yourself and others safe.
Make Sure Your Car is Serviced Properly
Another very important thing for you to do in the winter months is to make sure that your car is serviced properly. During the winter, your car will be called on to perform at its most challenged. You need to make sure that every system and part is in its best condition. You should look to have the battery, electrical system, fluid levels, hoses and brakes checked. And don’t forget to check the types because they are most important on winter roads. Also if your car is 3 years or older it will need to undergo MOT testing. Use one of the top car service center KwikFit for your car MOT. This will insure that your car is prepared for driving on the winter roads.
Be Cautious
One of the most important things you can do when driving in the winter is to remain vigilant and cautious. You should always be safe when there is a question about a particular road situation. Drive slower and do not take any unnecessary chances. This will get you and your passengers to your destination safely.