If you happen to be in the Philippines and are looking to visit a rather unspoiled destination that depicts nature in all its unspoiled glory, then there are a few worser places you could try then Batanes. Located in the northernmost part of Luzon, close to Taiwan, Batanes is one of the smallest provinces in the Philippines and is home to some of the most enchanting and alluring sights you’ll ever see. In fact, Batanes has been likened to New Zealand thanks to its close resemblance to the country in terms of plush mountains, green plains and valleys, canyons, and white sand beaches.
What To See In Batanes
Environmental advocates and nature lovers will love visiting Batanes. Philippines is one of the most spectacular countries you can visit and Batanes features the best that nature can offer. From caves such as Chawa Cave and Nakabuang Cave, which have natural salt beds, to the immaculate and pristine white sands found on Mavudis Island and Di-atay Beach, Batanes as everything. It’s even home to dormant volcanoes like Mount Iraya and Mount Matarem.
Spend time with your loved ones just strolling along the sea shore or maybe even having a picnic by the beach. On the other hand, the mountains and volcanoes are perfect for trekking and mountaineering activities. Don’t worry about the volcano erupting anytime soon either!
Aside from these picturesque and breathtaking views, other sites that are worthy of seeing in Batanes are the old churches. There are lots of historical churches in this province which boasts of colorful stories of the lives of the early settlers. Today, the residents and local townsfolk still pay homage and go religiously to these churches.
Perhaps what differentiates Batanes from the rest of the Philippines is the sheer simplicity of the local lifestyle. Residents enjoy a humble standard of living that is unmarred by the complexity of the modern world. They value strong family and community ties as well as a collective love for nature which helps maintain their remarkable province which they call home.
Visit Batanes Soon
If you’re tired of going to crowded beaches and highly commercialized tourist spots, Batanes offers good respite. After visiting, you’ll realize that pure and untouched bodies of land and water still do exist. Batanes will help to inspire you to change your old environmentally-damaging ways and encourage you to be more active in the efforts to preserve the world we live in.
Niña Angeli Pilapil is a budget promotional items expert and writer who loves reading books and novels.